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Profile And Company Page


Clicking Settings on the main menu, and then Profile on the left menu, will bring you to the Information tab, where you can add a profile picture, edit Display Name, your email/login, and change your password:


Make note of the Recommended Dimensions for the profile pic, as this is the optimum size that you want to upload. You can upload other sizes and the system will size them up/down to the recommended dimensions, but you want to make sure the aspect ratio/shape is similar, in this case almost square but a little taller than wide. Just click Choose File, locate the picture on your computer, and then click Save Changes.


To edit your company information, click on Settings in the top menu, and then Company on the left menu, which will take you to a page where you can enter company information and upload your logo:

Company Page

When uploading a logo, please note the recommended dimensions above the Choose File button. The dimensions don’t have to be exact, but they should have a similar aspect ratio or shape, in this case if it’s a rectangular logo, it should be fine.

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