Hit Me With Your Best Shot!

Hit Me With Your Best Shot!

Tips for photographing virtual tours of real estate property interiors:

When photographing your real estate property for a virtual tour, you want to present your best face. You make sure everything is clean and neat, and pay attention to the details that will show in your photos—so why do your images still look less than amazing?

The fact is, you don’t need truckloads of professional equipment or years of practice to take great interior shots of your property. Follow these tips for cleaner, more attractive photos that showcase the best of your offerings.

Equipment checklist
The list of equipment you need for excellent photos is fairly short: a digital camera and a tripod. The tripod doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy—you just need one that prevents the slight movement of your hands as you press the shutter, to prevent any distortion of the resulting image. As for the camera, you’ll need one with a flash, and a non-distorting lens. Wide angle cameras work well for photographing real estate interiors, but make sure it’s not too wide, unless you’re prepared to do some straightening in a photo editing program.

Let there be light
Before you start photographing, turn on every light in the house. Light adds more depth and color variance to your images, automatically enhancing the appeal of the photos. However, you’ll have to check each room to find any light that shows up as a reflection in pictures, windows, or mirrors, and either redirect them or turn them off.

Bright, direct sun through a window can ruin your shot, so take photos for your 360 tours at a time of day when the light is lower or higher than the windows. The best days for interior photography are overcast—so when the skies are cloudy, take advantage of the ideal conditions.

Positioning your shots
When choosing shots, keep in mind that you can’t fit an entire room in a single photo. Of course, with your virtual tour, you’ll be able to assemble a panoramic view from multiple photos—so stick to shooting one area at a time. Make sure that the lines of the room are straight, both horizontally and vertically.

Experiment with where you stand to take the shots. Backing into corners can yield great photos for your home tours. You may achieve better results by kneeling or sitting on a stool while shooting. Just be sure to check mirrors and windows, so you don’t accidentally photograph your own reflection!

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Mark Jay Virtual Tours
Wisconsin Virtual Tours
Order a virtual tour: (414) 771-7713