RTV HD V-Slides Now Publish to provider Sites

RTV HD V-Slides Now Publish to provider Sites

Slideshows will now automatically feed into your virtual tour websites!

You asked for it, so here it is! Of course this only applies to sites that have already been upgraded with the provider Site 2.0 Upgrade that came out in February, 2011. If you haven’t yet asked for this popular upgrade, what are you waiting for? Visit http://providers.realtourvision.com today and let us know!

Beginning Monday, any slideshows that you have shot will now import into your site’s tour gallery, just as your tours do. Please note this important condition though. If you have shot a tour AND a slideshow for a single property, that slideshow will not import as a separate item. It will remain as a click-through link from the virtual tour only. Only “stand-alone” slideshows (not associated with a virtual tour) will automatically feed in. If you have shot many “stand-alone” slideshows, this will result in a bulk addition to your site’s tour gallery.

So some time during the day on Monday, any “stand-alone” slideshows that you have NOT manually added to your tour gallery will then import into your gallery. The feed will detect if the slideshow already exists by manual entry in your gallery. If it does not, the feed will then add it.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at providersite@realtourvision.com


Team RTV
Virtual Tour Software & Digital Marketing Training