The IMAGE Gets Lovin From Waikoloa

The IMAGE Gets Lovin From Waikoloa

Mahalo Ben! Tuesday’s webinar on lighting and framing was just what I needed. Tucked right in between our two busiest holidays of the year, it was almost…I say almost missed. I’m so happy my Outlook alerted me in time with a reminder. Ben’s tips for lighting make me want to run out and get a couple of ‘slave lights’…would definitely save loads of post-processing time when doing the virtual tours. This is where we see the profits always getting lost. And the framing pointers are guiding me to really look at the works of others to see better views.

I always thought that you never wanted to take a ‘straight on’ shot, but after seeing David Palermo’s virtual tour photography work I can now see how this can work very much in favor. I’ll be practicing on that one! I did know that the lower shots help the viewers feel like they are comfortably sitting there, so Lucky I’m a shorty…I don’t have to lower my tripod too much. But another thing I sometimes do is actually sit on a chair to bring the viewer right into that ‘being there’ plane. Works for me!

Hau’oli Makahiki Ho’u!!!
Happy New Year all you RTV providers out there!

Debrasue Stutts
Vizit360 Photography by VizWizardz LLC
Waikoloa Virtual Tours
Order a Virtual Tour: 808-333-6458