Virtual Tours Redefined

Virtual Tours Redefined

As a new provider in South Texas I started advertising and visiting the Realtors in person only to find out that most of them in this area didn’t want to virtual tours because of experiences with previous virtual companies. Some of the comments that I received are that “Virtual tours do not do the properties justice,” “Virtual Tours make the house warped” and other similar comments. Come to find out they had all been hit by another virtual tour company whose tours look “fish eyed” and not very clean at all.

The perception was created in this market that all virtual tours are alike. I’ve finally been able to get a Realtor to let me do a tour for her by offering it for free if she wasn’t 100% satisfied. Immediately after shooting I put one scene together so she could see it and she was so impressed she had me follow her to a second house to shoot it too! Real Tour Vision has a very high quality system that allows us to shoot top quality virtual tours!

Brian Bond
Boerne Virtual Tours